1) Place yourself in the presence of God.
2) Ask for the grace of having a great desire to be pleasing in the eyes of the Lord, and to have eternal life as the only goal of my most important choices, without letting myself be seduced by the spirit of the world.
3) Read the text below and then spend a brief period of time reflecting on it. (From Antonio Royo Marín, Theology of Christian Perfection)
What is the “worldly environment”?
The second way the worldly spirit is characterized is by ridicule and persecution against what the Christian loves. In particular, the world mocks and persecutes the life of piety and decent, modest clothing. Moral events, which elevate the spirit, are defined as ridiculous and boring. They are the object of mockery. The world considers the holy laws of marriage obsolete and impossible to practice.
If we must suffer ridicule, let us remember the Lord, and offer to accompany him in his Passion: Then the soldiers of the procurator took Jesus inside the Praetorium and gathered the whole cohort around him. They stripped him and put a purple cloak over him and, braiding a crown of thorns, put it on his head and a cane in his right hand. Then they bent the knee in front of him, and made fun of him saying: ‘Hail, King of the Jews!’ and they spit on him and took a cane to hit him on the head. And after having mocked him, they took off his mantle, put his clothes on him and took him to crucify him. (Mt 27:27-31)
Do we judge our activities in the same way as the world does by dreading the moral and elevating ones? Do we ever partake in mockery of holy practices and beliefs?
4) Conclude the meditation with the Litany of Humility
1) Place yourself in the presence of God.
2) Ask for the grace of having a great desire to be pleasing in the eyes of the Lord, and to have eternal life as the only goal of my most important choices, without letting myself be seduced by the spirit of the world.
3) Read the text below and then spend a brief period of time reflecting on it. (From Antonio Royo Marín, Theology of Christian Perfection)
What is the “worldly environment”?
The second way the worldly spirit is characterized is by ridicule and persecution against what the Christian loves. In particular, the world mocks and persecutes the life of piety and decent, modest clothing. Moral events, which elevate the spirit, are defined as ridiculous and boring. They are the object of mockery. The world considers the holy laws of marriage obsolete and impossible to practice.
If we must suffer ridicule, let us remember the Lord, and offer to accompany him in his Passion: Then the soldiers of the procurator took Jesus inside the Praetorium and gathered the whole cohort around him. They stripped him and put a purple cloak over him and, braiding a crown of thorns, put it on his head and a cane in his right hand. Then they bent the knee in front of him, and made fun of him saying: ‘Hail, King of the Jews!’ and they spit on him and took a cane to hit him on the head. And after having mocked him, they took off his mantle, put his clothes on him and took him to crucify him. (Mt 27:27-31)
Do we judge our activities in the same way as the world does by dreading the moral and elevating ones? Do we ever partake in mockery of holy practices and beliefs?
4) Conclude the meditation with the Litany of Humility